Who is Ghalya?

Welcome to My World of Design and Impact


I'm Ghalya Alsanea, a Master in Design Engineering student at Harvard University and a proud alumna of Carnegie Mellon University, where I earned my Bachelor of Architecture with minors in Physical Computing and Intelligent Environments. My journey is one paved with the conviction that design, architecture, and art are not merely professions but powerful tools for social change.

A Vision for Impact

I believe in the transformative power of design to not only shape our physical spaces but also to redefine our social and cultural landscapes. My journey is guided by a deep commitment to making the invisible visible, giving voice to the voiceless, and empowering the marginalized through strategic spatial and artistic interventions. Whether it's a building, an installation, or a community program, my goal is to create experiences that challenge perceptions, foster empathy, and inspire action towards a more inclusive and compassionate world.

My Journey So Far

My portfolio is a testament to the diverse ways in which design can serve as a catalyst for change. From facilitating workshops that empower women through skill-building to developing housing solutions that afford dignity to refugees, each project I undertake is an opportunity to learn, grow, and contribute to a larger narrative of hope and resilience. I employ a multidisciplinary approach, blending architecture, digital fabrication, and interactive design to create solutions that are not only innovative but deeply human.

Looking Ahead: Building Bridges, Not Walls

As I continue on this journey, my aspiration is to further explore how design can bridge divides, heal communities, and create a more equitable society. I am particularly interested in projects that lie at the intersection of technology, sustainability, and social innovation. I seek collaborations that challenge the status quo and drive us towards a future where everyone has a seat at the table.

Let’s Connect

I am always on the lookout for opportunities to collaborate, learn, and share ideas. Whether you're a fellow designer, an activist, a community leader, or simply someone who shares my passion for social impact, I'd love to hear from you. Together, let's imagine and build a world where design is a beacon of hope and a builder of dreams.

Thank you for visiting my corner of the internet. Please feel free to explore my portfolio, reach out with questions, or propose a project. Let's make a difference, one design at a time.